Remember Your Unity, Celebrate His Faithfulness
April 28, 2019 Speaker: Matt Maka Series: Joshua: The God Who Promises Rest
Scripture: Joshua 12:1–24
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God takes us from fear to rest so we can remember our unity and celebrate his faithfulness.
- What is the overarching message of Joshua 12? What are the main points of Joshua 12?
- Is your Community Group unified in its GO and GROW mission?
- Are you doing the main thing Jesus told His disciples to do: “make disciples”?
- What would it look like for you to enjoy rest while remembering your unity and celebrating His faithfulness?

More in Joshua: The God Who Promises Rest
June 16, 2019
Choose Whom You Will ServeJune 9, 2019
Motivation to Live for GodJune 2, 2019
Encouraging One Another for God's Glory