The God-Given Mission of Making Disciples

July 22, 2018 Speaker: Matt Maka

Topic: Gospel Mission Scripture: John 17:1–26


As followers of Jesus, our mission is to make God famous on Earth by making disciples.


  1. How would you rate the joy and satisfaction you are currently finding in Jesus?
    What else are you looking to and expecting to find joy in?
    What do you need to stop doing, stop researching, stop daydreaming about so you can start daydreaming about and meditating on Jesus’ glory?
  2. Where has Jesus sent you? Work? School? What gym, stores or other places do you frequent?
  3. Who are the sinners and tax collectors you rub shoulders with? The rejected? The unlovables?
  4. Who are the people that seem to be most open to you and in need of friendship/Community?
  5. How many meals in the next month can you eat with this person?
  6. How can you take the next step to speak Jesus to this person?
  7. What type of context can you set up so this person can experience the unity and love of your Community? Game night? Party? Dinner? Wine & Cheese? Picnic? Walk in the park? Shooting? Knitting? Baking? Serving?
  8. What steps do you need to take so that on your deathbed you can join Jesus in saying, “I glorified You on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do?

These questions are also available in the attached GO Mission Handout. 

Also attached is the handout full of verses about the Glory of God.