
January 7, 2018 Speaker: Matt Maka

Topic: Living for God Scripture: Matthew 13:44–52

1. Ask the Spirit to fill you and read Matthew 13:44-52.
2. What one word frames or bookends this passage?
3. What main point was Jesus seeking to make through these 3 parables (vs. 44-50) and His exhortation (vs. 51, 52)?

1. What competes for Jesus as your “treasure” (vs. 44)? What would it look like for you to joyfully “sell” this treasure in order to treasure Jesus more?
2. Why is Jesus the “one pearl of great value”? What makes Him worthy to be the “one pearl of great value” of your life?
3. How can you seek to make Jesus the “one pearl of great value” in your life (vs. 45)?
4. In verses 47-50 Jesus contrasts the “kingdom of heaven” with another place, "the fiery furnace. In that place there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.” "The evil" will go to the one place and "the righteous" will go to the other. If your life continues in the direction it is currently going will you be counted among the evil or the righteous at "the end of the age"? Why?
5. How does someone go from being evil to being righteous (answer this question directly from verses 44-46)?
6. If you want to read more about the contrast between the kingdom of heaven and the fiery furnace read Revelation 21:1-8.
7. What is your plan for being “trained” (GK= “discipled”) for the kingdom of heaven by bringing out new and old Jesus treasures from Scripture?